Monday, January 11, 2010


Its hard sometimes...
The reason why I gained so much weight without noticing and taking control first has alot to do with the fact I drink...
I enjoy drinking alcohol. ALOT. and when you start to drink alot you get hungry. your body wants to absorb all that alcohol your drinking. And being drunk for prolonged periods of time you dont notice as much if your gaining weight till one day you look in the mirror and, BOOM! your fat again!!!

Well, I have been on a fast, right... I f**ked up and drank some vodka diets today and got the hunger cravings! I had a choco cookie and spegitti and chicken! not alot but I could have held out for a low cal salad for dinner if I hadn't of drank.
Lession learned! Don't drink if your trying to lose weight or fast. Its empty calories that will probley make you have the munchies. (its not as easy to talk yourself out of munchin when your drunk =)


Lola said...

As a washed-up old whore I knew once said, "I'vv got them drrrrrrunken munchies!!" While standing on a chair at Sunday brunch.

B said...

Haha we had similar posts! I loved that I could just drink away all of my problems last night, but yeah alcohol makes you want to eat so bad! I would have binged and purged if there weren't people in the kitchen! I'm not a pro-purger either, it takes a ton of fluids to purge and it's easier to purge a binge than a meal.